The fourth tug-of-war Games of Meicheng Group

Time: 2022/06/28

  In order to enrich the amateur cultural life of all staff, promote team spirit and enhance cohesion, Meicheng Ceramic Group held the fourth Tug-of-war Games of Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., LTD on May 29, 2022. The new energy department, thermostat department, sensor department, magnetron department, ceramic water valve department, etc., A total of eight teams will compete according to sales regions. 

  The competition was directed by the president of Meicheng Ceramic Fang Haojie personally, and the executive vice President He Yiwen acted as the chief referee. With a whistle sounded, the competition began. 

  In the process of the game, each team member showed the indomitable will and fighting spirit, both out of the level and out of the style of the game, under the rhythm of the cheerleaders Shouting, each player is encouraged, red face, grasp the rope, go all out, strive for... Refueling sound, sigh, cheers, one after another, good lively. The game also affected the heart of the staff on the scene, they have in a bunch of cheering, the two sides of the team tightly grasp the rope in the hand, rope, lower the center of gravity, pull back together. On the field, all the players were highly motivated, and their sweat reflected the meaning of the team. Their indomitable perseverance and fighting spirit moved everyone at the scene. All the cheerleaders on the scene were enthusiastic, and their cheers added a bright color to the competition. Every shout brought a power. 

  The competition cultivated the collective spirit of unity, cooperation and enterprising among the staff, and finally won the championship and the second runner-up of the competition were Shanghai Team, Beijing team and Chongqing Team. 

  Through this activity, we have a deeper understanding that the development of an enterprise depends on a perfect team rather than a perfect individual. We will take the tug-of-war games as an opportunity to show the determination to be the first, the confidence to overcome difficulties, the indomitable style of work, the spirit of unity and cooperation in the competition into practical action of innovation and creation, in order to achieve the goals of the company and forge ahead. 

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

Address: Special Ceramic Industry Park, Economy Development Zone, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Phone: 0738-3279688

Telephone: +86 18824511162(Bell Liu)

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