2024 Meicheng Ceramics "Goddess Festival" outdoor activities

Time: 2024/04/22

With the breath of spring, the 114th "38" International Working Women's Day arrived as scheduled.

On this warm and beautiful day, under the care of the Xinhua County Federation of Trade Unions and the strong support of the chairman of Hunan Meicheng Ceramics Group, Meicheng Group carefully planned a series of Goddess Festival activities, prepared practical and intimate gifts for all female employees, and commended a group of dedicated "March 8 red flag bearer". And organize the management, 38 red flag bearer and monitor level above female workers together to carry out outdoor activities, snake lively, south-north water transfer cooperation, anesthesia competition experience giant perspective, relay race to run, as well as the pressure board jump rope, dressing relay and other interesting games, so that everyone can race results, race friendship. Enhance the cohesion of the enterprise team, but also enhance the sense of belonging of employees.

As women in the new era, we will show our responsibility as strivers and builders, so that our lives will be more colorful because of hard work, and our great cause will be more beautiful because of our women.

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

Address: Special Ceramic Industry Park, Economy Development Zone, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Phone: 0738-3279688

Telephone: +86 18824511162(Bell Liu)

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