Meicheng Ceramics Group April staff birthday gift distribution

Time: 2023/04/23

Mei Cheng Ceramics Group and welfare, to send birthday gifts to the Mei Cheng birthday girl is the company's fine tradition, today, the company to the monthly birthday girl prepared a warm birthday gift - thermal mug towel gift box, deep love than a long time companion, love without words, each birthday gift is cohesive with the Mei Cheng Group and the chairman of the Mei Cheng family's strong love and the most sincere wishes, thank you to pay youth and time, and Mei Cheng together to work hard to develop, to create value for a better tomorrow!

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

Address: Special Ceramic Industry Park, Economy Development Zone, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Phone: 0738-3279688

Telephone: +86 18824511162(Bell Liu)

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