Meicheng Ceramics Group "Jialixin team" Zhangjiajie group building activities

Time: 2023/04/23

Meicheng ceramics group Jialixin team swimming in Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon, the road scenery is beautiful and exciting, feel the beauty of nature is different, beautiful and comfortable; watched the charm of Xiangxi, enjoy the ethnic customs of Xiangxi, novel and moving; with friends for expansion activities, reflecting the cohesion of the collective team; enjoy the beautiful scenery to see the wondrous peaks, play games to watch the charm of Xiangxi party. An interesting life is half mountain, half lake and half firework life. In addition to busy work, the company supports and encourages Meicheng family members to keep their love for life, feel the beauty brought by everything, work happily and live happily!

On April 17, the journey to Zhangjiajie of Jialixin of Mecheng Group, which is "to build up, to build up, to move forward", ended perfectly! We came with great pleasure and returned with great joy! The trip was a great way to see the beautiful scenery, enjoy the food, remember the martyrs and understand the spirit, while relaxing and increasing the sense of belonging. The five days and four nights were wonderful, a microcosm of the full enthusiasm of the people of Mecheng. Next, we will put ourselves into our work with more enthusiasm, give full play to our potential, and make outstanding achievements in our ordinary positions!

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

Address: Special Ceramic Industry Park, Economy Development Zone, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Phone: 0738-3279688

Telephone: +86 18824511162(Bell Liu)

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