The concluding meeting in July was successfully concluded

Time: 2022/08/08

The conclusion meeting in July was successfully concluded, and we will continue in August.

The WORK SUMMARY MEETING OF MEICHENG CERAMICS IN July WAS held at 9 o 'clock on August 5TH, ATTENDED by all department managers and supervisors. The theme of the conference centered on enterprise management, successful case experience sharing and other content to carry out positive report. The meeting lasted until 5 o 'clock sharp that afternoon.

At the meeting, the managers of each department made a summary report on the work of their departments in July. Following the meeting, Mr. Fang Haojie, chairman of MEicheng Ceramics, affirmed the work of all departments of the enterprise in July. Compared with the same period, the shipment volume of orders and the qualified rate of products have increased. At the same time, other departments should learn from the excellent aspects of each department. As for the bad aspects and difficulties encountered, all our departments should work together to overcome the problems. The results of July are encouraging, and we will make further efforts in August!

By the way, due to the sharp increase in the company's order volume, the urgent need to expand capacity, there will be regular recruitment. If you are interested in Xinhua County, you will go to the third floor of the company for an interview at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. If you pass the interview, you will apply for entry. After the training, you will be assigned to work.

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

Address: Special Ceramic Industry Park, Economy Development Zone, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Phone: 0738-3279688

Telephone: +86 18824511162(Bell Liu)

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