The red Army tour of Meicheng Ceramics - Zunyi, Guizhou

Time: 2022/07/22

  On July 19, 2022, the Party Branch of Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., LTD.,Under the leadership of chairman Fang Haojie and branch secretary He Yiwen, we went to zunyi, guizhou, the holy land of revolution, to conduct the education of red Party spirit, review the history of the Long March and understand the spirit of the Red Army.

  Your beauty routine people through all the way to visit, study, understand the ZunYi meeting tells the story of our party in the process of the historical development of Soviet retreat, zhejiang bloody battle, zunyi shuguang, force dadu river, real reduction process of the red army long march of the great revolution, recreates the brilliant history of the zunyi meeting, lively performance of red army soldiers courage perseverance heroism, It profoundly interprets the great historical significance of Zunyi Conference.

  We systematically understand the whole process of Zunyi conference, which is a life-and-death turning point in the history of the Communist Party of China;

  As communists, we should vigorously carry forward the spirit of "firm faith, adhere to the truth, independence, unity and unity".

  As a member of Meicheng, we should improve our political position, always maintain a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee, listen to the party and follow the Party, with excellent style and efficient work, promote meicheng to become a well-known brand of global electronic ceramics to make due contributions!

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

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Phone: 0738-3279688

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