Xinhua county key industry project construction and "five good" park to establish the site investigation symposium

Time: 2022/07/02

  On March 15, 2022, the site investigation symposium on the construction of key industrial projects in Xinhua County and the establishment of the "Five Good" park was held in the conference room of Meicheng Ceramics Group. Deputy secretary of the county Party Committee, County magistrate Zuo Zhifeng presided over the meeting, county leaders Zhao Tanhua, Zou Yixiang, the main responsible person of the county department, the participating enterprise unit representatives, xinhua News network, county TELEVISION attended the meeting. Each participating project unit reported the progress of the project respectively, and the representatives spoke one after another, talking about the problems in industrial construction and solutions.

The meeting

Deputy secretary of the county party committee, county magistrate Zuo Zhifeng chaired the meeting

Representatives of enterprises attending the meeting -- Chairman of Meicheng Ceramics Fang Haojie

  Zuo Zhifeng, deputy secretary of the County Party Committee and head of the county, pointed out that we should adhere to the industry as the foundation, take the project as the starting point and take the park as the carrier, and strive to build the high-tech Zone special ceramics Industrial Park, Xinhua Wenyin Industrial Park and Langtang Special Pottery Town into the emerging carrier of industrial agglomeration, function integration, factor intensities and overall planning of urban and rural development. In particular, we will support meicheng Ceramics, Xinxing Electric ceramics and other leading enterprises to strengthen cooperation and integration of upstream and downstream industries, and promote the electric ceramics industry to steadily move towards the middle and high end of the value chain; Guide the whole county to adhere to the construction of high-quality industrial projects, and jointly promote the high-quality development of county economy.

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

Address: Special Ceramic Industry Park, Economy Development Zone, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Phone: 0738-3279688

Telephone: +86 18824511162(Bell Liu)

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