24 June 2023Mei Cheng Group Research Institute was officially inaugurated

Time: 2023/06/25

Group photo of all senior and middle management of Mecheng Group and core operation staff of the Institute

On the morning of June 24, 2023, the summer grass was in full bloom and we were full of enthusiasm to welcome the launching ceremony of the Institute of Mecheng Group. All the middle and senior management of Mecheng Group and the core operation staff of the Institute attended the ceremony to witness this historic moment together.

Director of Meicheng Group Research Institute: Zeng Xiong

The Director of the Institute, Zeng Xiong, gave a detailed report on the preparations, development plans and work priorities of the Institute at the meeting.

Chairman of Meicheng Group: Fang Haojie

Mr. Fang Haojie, Chairman of the Board of Directors, said: "I hope that the first President of the Institute, Zeng Xiong, lead the team to find a clear direction and positioning, give full play to their own strengths and drive the development of high quality of the Institute; adhere to a high starting point, strengthen targeted research, bring together outstanding talent, seek breakthroughs around forward-looking, innovative topics in the field of ceramics, launch a number of competitive scientific and technological achievements, and gradually form and continue to enhance the core competitiveness of the Institute".

Presentation of the Certificate of Appointment of the Director of the Institute

At the meeting of the ceremony to launch the Institute of Mecheng Group, Fang Haoge, Chairman of Mecheng, formally issued a letter of appointment to Zeng Xiong, Manager of the Technical Department, to be appointed as President of the Institute of Meicheng.

Executive Vice President of Meicheng Group Technology Centre: He Yiwen

Deputy General Manager of Mecheng Group Integrated Centre: Zhang Xiaoyun

Deputy General Manager of Mecheng Group Manufacturing Centre: Zhang Guoxiu

Deputy General Manager of Mecheng Group Finance Centre: Wu Songqing

At the meeting, the senior vice presidents of Mecheng expressed their heartfelt wishes and encouragement for the establishment of the Mecheng Research Institute, and were full of confidence in the future of the Institute.

"The Institute's staff and environment

Photo of the opening ceremony of the Meicheng Group Research Institute

All senior staff of Meicheng went to the 4th floor of the standardized factory building to participate in the launching ceremony of the Meicheng Group Research Institute and took pictures at this historic moment.

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

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Phone: 0738-3279688

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