Meicheng Group's 5th Tug of War Games

Time: 2023/06/13

June of summer, the sun is hot. 10 June 2023 ushered in the fifth tug-of-war sports meeting of Hunan Province Meicheng Ceramics Technology Co.

Fierce The scene of the competition

The Games, under the careful guidance of Chairman Wu Yuzhang, Chairman of the County Federation of Trade Unions and other leaders, were successfully held under the attentive preparation of the organizing committee of Meicheng Group.

Hot dance show by the cheerleading squad of "Meicheng Baby"

During the competition, the participating teams were full of confidence and showed their determination to work together and achieve good results. The sports meeting started at 6:50am and after more than 4 hours of fierce competition, the Tigers team representing the Comprehensive Centre stood out as the champion; the Cheetah team representing the Carlson and the Bull team representing the Sealing Ring Division won the second place; the Flying Dragon and Wolf teams representing the Relay Division and the Kirin team representing the Sealing Ring Division won the third place.

Through this event, we fully demonstrated the good spirit of Mecheng people and the spirit of pioneering, innovation, courage, solidarity and cooperation. In the future, Meicheng people will not forget the original intention to focus on details, seize the opportunity, adhere to the road of building, sharing and winning together, and do a good job of products and services, and is committed to building Meicheng into a well-known brand of advanced ceramics in China and strive hard.

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

Address: Special Ceramic Industry Park, Economy Development Zone, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Phone: 0738-3279688

Telephone: +86 18824511162(Bell Liu)

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