Warmly welcome Xinhua County Party Secretary Li Tiexiong and his entourage to the United States Cheng ceramic research

Time: 2023/05/12

In the afternoon of May 9, 2023, Xinhua County Party Secretary Li Tiexiong led the county party committee leaders at all levels and the county directly responsible for the unit to go to the Mei Cheng ceramics research high-performance high-temperature piezoelectric ceramics key technology research and industrialization project.

After visiting the stamping, firing and metallization workshops and listening to the report of Fang Haojie, Chairman of Meicheng, Secretary Li gave full affirmation to Meicheng's key project construction and encouraged us to make our due contribution to promoting Xinhua's high-quality economic and social development with the tenacity to overcome difficulties, the ingenuity to coordinate scientifically and the energy to work step by step.

Advanced ceramics is the traditional characteristic industry of our county, we will uphold the business philosophy of "integrity, professionalism and win-win", constantly innovate, constantly surpass, strive for excellence, and strive to build a happy Xinhua in the new era.

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

Address: Special Ceramic Industry Park, Economy Development Zone, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Phone: 0738-3279688

Telephone: +86 18824511162(Bell Liu)

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