Meicheng Ceramics Fire Drill

Time: 2023/04/29

On the morning of 27 April 2023, the Xinhua County Fire and Rescue Brigade conducted a fire drill inside Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co.

During the course of the exercise, Meicheng participants all benefited a lot. The fire drill was both a publicity and a practical exercise.

Meicheng will continue to do a good job in the safety of the majority of employees, strict safety, in every detail carefully analyse and eliminate safety hazards. Protect the lives and safety of our employees!

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

Address: Special Ceramic Industry Park, Economy Development Zone, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Phone: 0738-3279688

Telephone: +86 18824511162(Bell Liu)

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