Mei Cheng Ceramics Marketing Centre Group Building Activities

Time: 2023/04/03

2023, launched a "unity and progress, create good results" as the central theme of the group building and expansion activities.

First of all, we held a departmental work meeting, at which we reported on the current stage of work and the next plan to summarize. The chairman, Mr. Fang Haojie, made comments on each of the speeches and gave valuable guidance on the follow-up work, injecting full of enthusiasm for the next work!

After the meeting, we carried out a series of group activities such as concentric drums, swinging bridge and card touching under the command of the coach. In the course of the games, we contributed our individual strength, but showed the strength of the team. It fully demonstrated the importance of unity and synergy in doing battle and effective communication, and improved the tacit understanding between individuals.

Each game requires each person to find their own correct position and bring out their best talents, if you rely on one person's brute strength, it is futile to exert all your efforts. It is the same with work. In their respective positions, each person takes his or her place, does his or her job, gives full play to his or her talents and works as a team. The team's strength can only be maximised if the heart is in one place and the energy is in one place. We firmly believe that the work of the group will be successful, and that the work of the crowd will be successful.

After dinner, we held a cheerful party, where a group of lovely and hardworking people opened their hearts and minds together, and had a good time, drinking wine together, singing a long song to welcome the pine wind, and singing a song about the scarcity of river stars.

In 2023, we will travel with the light and follow the light. Let's be ambitious and pragmatic. We will draw a long blueprint to the end, a bear to the end, a heart to seek the real in the end, all the way to the end, to create a new performance worthy of the enterprise, worthy of the staff, worthy of the times, together for the great ambitions of the United States Cheng struggle!

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

Address: Special Ceramic Industry Park, Economy Development Zone, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Phone: 0738-3279688

Telephone: +86 18824511162(Bell Liu)

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