Meicheng Ceramics Technology Centre group building activities

Time: 2023/02/28

From February 25th to 26th, 2023, Hunan Meicheng Ceramics Technology Co., Ltd. organized the employees of the technology center to carry out the theme activity of "technical innovation, application breakthrough, and providing strong impetus for the rapid development of Meicheng". At noon on February 25th, on the parking lot of Meicheng Group, the key employees of the technical center gathered together, and took the company's special car to set off for Tongfeng Mountain Resort, Chaxi Town, Xinhua County.

The spring sunshine was exceptionally warm and pleasant. Along the way, everyone laughed and laughed in the car, without any fatigue from the bumpy journey. After arriving at the destination, after a little rectification, everyone, under the leadership of Chairman Fang Haojie, challenged the Tongfeng Mountain Scenic Area with great interest! On the way up the mountain, the chairman daringly rushed to the forefront, and encouraged everyone to compare, don't be afraid that the road up the mountain is difficult, and see who can reach the top of the mountain first. Looking back at Meicheng's entrepreneurial journey, it has grown from a little-known small workshop to today's leading enterprise in the electronic ceramics industry. Just like facing this long and rugged uphill road, only those who have the determination to bravely climb the peak, constantly pursue innovation and break through themselves are qualified to reach the top of the mountain. Encouraged by the chairman, everyone encouraged each other, gritted their teeth, and constantly challenged their physical limits. At this moment, everyone's sweat, the beautiful scenery along the way, and the laughter along the way are all frozen into the best memories at the moment when they reach the top of the mountain.

After returning to the camp in the evening, everyone gathered together for a team building meal. They discussed the key research projects of the company in 2023, the technical bottlenecks to be solved in the development letter of the center, and how to build a strong and efficient R&D team. Around 21:00, staff singing competitions and tea parties were held. In the interactive mini-game session, everyone bravely participated in it, and they were so happy that they couldn't help but forget the exhaustion of climbing the mountain.

On February 26, everyone took the company car back to the company after breakfast, ending this unforgettable themed spring outing. Everyone said that under the wise guidance of the chairman, all personnel in the technology center will live up to their trust, achieve breakthroughs in technology research and development and industry breakthroughs, and contribute their own strength to the rapid development of Meicheng.

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

Address: Special Ceramic Industry Park, Economy Development Zone, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Phone: 0738-3279688

Telephone: +86 18824511162(Bell Liu)

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