Mecheng Group held an epidemic silent management emergency drill

Time: 2022/12/03

On December 2, 2022, Mecheng Ceramics held an emergency drill to respond to the silent management of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Designed to improve the enterprise and enterprise employees to deal with the epidemic emergency situation disposal ability.

Xinhua Science, Industry and Information Bureau, Municipal Supervision Bureau, high-tech zone leaders at all levels to visit the scene to guide, high-tech zone, the size of the enterprise representatives to visit the scene, from the drill, achieved the desired effect, the next step our company will be more perfect emergency plan to ensure that in the event of an epidemic emergency company production, safety, life, epidemic prevention four not miss.

Hunan Meicheng Ceramic Technology Co., Ltd

Address: Special Ceramic Industry Park, Economy Development Zone, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Phone: 0738-3279688

Telephone: +86 18824511162(Bell Liu)

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