School-enterprise integration - Xinhua Chuyi Industrial School internship commendation activities

Time: 2022/11/18

On November 9, 2022, 39 students from Xinhua Chuyi Industrial School finished their 9-day internship in Mecheng Group, for which Mecheng held a commendation activity for the students in the conference room on the sixth floor of Xinhua Electronic Ceramics Industry Service Center. Zhang Xiaoyun, vice president of Mecheng, Tian Shenjie, vice principal of Chuyi Industrial School, Zeng Sheng, director of the Education Department, Li Xuejun, director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Department, Li Meiwei, vice director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Department, and Chen Shuqin, teacher of Chuyi Industrial School, attended this meeting. Li Meiwei, and Chuyi Industrial School teacher Chen Shuqin attended this meeting.

Student representative Yang Wenjiao expressed her heartfelt gratitude to Mecheng and all the school leaders present at the meeting. The 9-day internship life was fulfilling, and the internship combined textbooks with practice to apply what they learned and improve themselves.

Tian Shenjie, vice principal of Chuyi Industrial School, delivered a heartfelt speech to the 39 students present. We should always be grateful, 1. to thank Meicheng Group for giving us a platform to show, 2. to thank the workshop team leader for your tolerance and teaching, 3. to thank our leading teacher Chen Shuqin for her unfailing care.

Zhang Xiaoyun, deputy general manager of Mecheng Group, made a final concluding speech, expressed warm welcome to the school leaders, expressed heartfelt gratitude to the 39 students and class teacher Chen, thanked for the support and trust to the company, and finally hoped that the students would publicize our Mecheng after returning to school, the door of Mecheng Group is open to the outstanding students, welcome you to come to Mecheng Group for employment after graduation, and we will work together to bring the advanced ceramic industry in Hunan Province Together we will push the advanced ceramic industry in Hunan Province to a new height.

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